标题: 真诚 真心 寻找丢失的真爱,非诚勿扰! [打印本页] 作者: jqe56 时间: 2016-4-23 13:54 标题: 真诚 真心 寻找丢失的真爱,非诚勿扰! 性别:男士年龄:34岁职业:部门经理QQ号:2952559769所在地:城区 - 振华街
真诚的感谢关注此贴的女性朋友们!请各位关注此贴的女士们仔细阅读后在与我联系,谢谢!Sincere thanks to the women who are attached to this post! Please pay close attention to the ladies of this post, please contact me, thank you!本人姓张但名伟字,和大多数人一样我曾经有过一段幸福美满的婚姻,有过贤惠的妻子可爱的孩子但是老天过度的嫉妒我,在一次意外当中我的妻子孩子都永远的离我而去........I Zhang but Wei name, and most people as I had a happy marriage, a virtuous wife and lovely children but God excessive jealous of me, in a surprise my wife and my children are always leave me to...本人想通过网络平台真诚的寻找可以携手走完下半生的结婚伴侣,如果你是我的她请与我联系I want to through the network platform for the sincere looking for a lifetime of marriage partner, if you are my friend, please contact me详细的介绍一下我自己,具体如下:Details of my own, specifically as follows:张伟 男 1982.02.08年出生 属相狗 身高1.83米 民族汉 祖籍北京 政治面貌党员 毕业与海军大连舰艇学院(战地医疗系硕士) 曾在南海舰队海军陆战队91526服役(军官),2004年部队复原 现在在平城房地产开发公司下属单位平城物业做部门经理(国企 月薪5600左右) 有3居室一套 165.4/平米 无车(曾经有辆奥迪A6L现已报废)Zhang Wei male 1982.02.08 years born Zodiac dog height 1.83 meters of the Han nationality, whose ancestral home is in the political landscape in Beijing members graduated from the Dalian Naval Academy (Department of medical field Master) was in the South China Sea Fleet Marine 91526 service (officers), 2004 forces restoration now in Pingcheng real estate development company subordinate unit Pingcheng property as a department manager (state-owned enterprises salary about 5600) 3 bedroom a 165.4 / square metre car free (once Audi A6L have been scrapped)本人不帅不酷 相貌平平(秃顶几乎无毛车祸导致头顶毛囊大面积坏死)左右肩膀有纹身(海军服役期间在部队所纹)I am not handsome not cool plain (bald almost hairless accident lead to large area of necrosis of head of hair follicles) left and right shoulder tattoo (Navy in the army between the lines)择偶基本要求如下:The basic requirements are as follows:孝心 贤惠 温柔 大方 体贴 责任关键是人品 离异带孩子(男女均可)Filial piety is the key responsibility of gentle and considerate virtuous character divorced with children (male or female)身高1.60以上 学历工作......无所谓的,More than 1.60 of the height of the work..,真诚 诚信寻找可以结婚的对象Sincere good faith to find the object of marriage现在网络诈骗婚托甚多,请那些记者 中介 网站 虚假的女士靠边站站对你们没有任何的兴趣别自找没趣,没有时间和你们浪费。Now network fraud huntuo in abundance, please those reporters intermediary website false ladies aside station to you without any interest, don't trouble boring, no time and you wasted.再次的祝福关注此贴的女士健康 家庭美满Again, the blessing of the woman concerned about the health of the family