
标题: 苏州大龄憨厚男找老婆 [打印本页]

作者: pkb81    时间: 2016-3-24 05:39
标题: 苏州大龄憨厚男找老婆
性别:男士年龄:36岁职业:酒店业QQ号:1635894264所在地:姑苏/沧浪/金阊/平江 - 吴门桥
本人79年的老男人,苏州人,身高180CM,在园区上班,收入不高年薪4-5W。有意者请联系本人手机:13771701429 QQ:1635894264 微信:yym700879.I was born in 1979, an elder people, a local people, 180CM for height, working for a hotel in industrial park. Incoming is not very high 4-50000 RMB for each year. If you want to contact with me mobile phone:13771701429 QQ:1635894264 Wechat:yym700879.

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